Writing and Reading JSON config file in Python

A Config short for Configuration file is a file that stores information such as parameters, settings, configurations, and preferences of an application.

Config files are simply plain text files with .config, .ini, .json, .xml, .yaml file extensions among others that can be created, viewed or edited using any text editor.

For example, the Web.config file in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC application contains configuration information that controls the working of the application. It may be for individual pages or the entire application.

Below is a sample Web.config file.

      <add key="tutswiki" value="python" />
      <add key="article" value="Config file" />

We’ve already covered .ini, .yaml and .xml in below articles, in this article we’ll focus on .json config files.

Reading and Writing config data to JSON file in Python

JSON or Javascript Object Notation file is used to store and transfer data in the form of arrays or Key-Value pairs. Let’s now understand read and write operations to the JSON file.

Creating JSON config file in Python

There are 2 methods to write in the JSON file.

Using json.dumps()

json.dumps() takes python object as parameter.

First, we need to import json module. json.dumps() method serializes (Conversion of data into series of bytes) python object (Dictionary in this case) into JSON formatted string and write() method writes that formatted JSON string to the file tutswiki.json.

import json

article_info = {
    "domain" : "tutswiki",
    "language" : "python",
    "date" : "11/09/2020",
    "topic" : "config file"
myJSON = json.dumps(article_info)

with open("tutswiki.json", "w") as jsonfile:
    print("Write successful")


Write successful

Process finished with exit code 0

File: tutswiki.json

  "domain": "tutswiki",
  "language": "python",
  "date": "11/09/2020",
  "topic": "config file"

Note: “w” mode creates the file in the current working directory if it does not exists.

Using json.dump()

Here, unlike json.dumps(), we need not serialize python object to JSON string. Instead, json.dump() method directly stores the python object as a JSON formatted data into the JSON file.

json.dump() takes python object and file pointer as parameters.

import json

article_info = {
    "domain" : "tutswiki",
    "language" : "python",
    "date" : "11/09/2020",
    "topic" : "config file"

with open("tutswiki.json", "w") as jsonfile:
    json.dump(article_info, jsonfile)

File: tutswiki.json

  "domain": "tutswiki", 
  "language": "python", 
  "date": "11/09/2020", 
  "topic": "config file"

Reading a key from JSON config file

We can read a JSON file using json.load() method which deserializes the JSON object to python object, dictionary. This method takes file pointer as its parameter.

import json

with open("tutswiki.json", "r") as jsonfile:
    data = json.load(jsonfile)
    print("Read successful")


Read successful
  'domain': 'tutswiki', 
  'language': 'python', 
  'date': '11/09/2020', 
  'topic': 'config file'

Note: If we want to deserialize a JSON string to a python object directly instead of reading from a file, we use json.loads() method which takes a JSON string as a parameter. For instance,

import json

s = "{\"domain\": \"tutswiki\", \"language\": \"python\"}"
data = json.loads(s)


  'domain': 'tutswiki', 
  'language': 'python', 
  'date': '11/09/2020', 
  'topic': 'config file'

Process finished with exit code 0

Updating a key in JSON config file

Now let’s say we want to update the date to 12/09/2020. First, we will read the data, update the required values, and then finally write to the file as done below.

import json

article_info = {
    "domain" : "tutswiki",
    "language" : "python",
    "date" : "11/09/2020",
    "topic" : "config file"

with open("tutswiki.json", "r") as jsonfile:
    data = json.load(jsonfile) # Reading the file
    print("Read successful")
data['date'] = '12/09/2020' # Updating, before it was 11/09/2020
print("Date updated from 11/09/2020 to 12/09/2020")
with open("tutswiki.json", "w") as jsonfile:
    myJSON = json.dump(data, jsonfile) # Writing to the file
    print("Write successful")


Read successful
Date updated from 11/09/2020 to 12/09/2020
Write successful

Process finished with exit code 0

File: tutswiki.json

  "domain": "tutswiki", 
  "language": "python", 
  "date": "12/09/2020", 
  "topic": "config file"

As you can see, date in tutswiki.json file has been updated successfully.

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