Chapter 7 - Cleanup messy data

# The usual preamble
import pandas as pd

# Make the graphs a bit prettier, and bigger
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')
figsize(15, 5)

# Always display all the columns
pd.set_option('display.line_width', 5000) 
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 60) 

One of the main problems with messy data is: how do you know if it’s messy or not?

We’re going to use the NYC 311 service request dataset again here, since it’s big and a bit unwieldy.

requests = pd.read_csv('311-service-requests.csv')

7.1 How do we know if it’s messy?

We’re going to look at a few columns here. I know already that there are some problems with the zip code, so let’s look at that first.

To get a sense for whether a column has problems, I usually use .unique() to look at all its values. If it’s a numeric column, I’ll instead plot a histogram to get a sense of the distribution.

When we look at the unique values in “Incident Zip”, it quickly becomes clear that this is a mess.

Some of the problems:

  • Some have been parsed as strings, and some as floats
  • There are nans
  • Some of the zip codes are 29616-0759 or 83
  • There are some N/A values that pandas didn’t recognize, like ‘N/A’ and ‘NO CLUE’

What we can do:

  • Normalize ‘N/A’ and ‘NO CLUE’ into regular nan values
  • Look at what’s up with the 83, and decide what to do
  • Make everything strings

    requests['Incident Zip'].unique()


array(['11432', '11378', '10032', '10023', '10027', '11372', '11419',
       '11417', '10011', '11225', '11218', '10003', '10029', '10466',
       '11219', '10025', '10310', '11236', nan, '10033', '11216', '10016',
       '10305', '10312', '10026', '10309', '10036', '11433', '11235',
       '11213', '11379', '11101', '10014', '11231', '11234', '10457',
       '10459', '10465', '11207', '10002', '10034', '11233', '10453',
       '10456', '10469', '11374', '11221', '11421', '11215', '10007',
       '10019', '11205', '11418', '11369', '11249', '10005', '10009',
       '11211', '11412', '10458', '11229', '10065', '10030', '11222',
       '10024', '10013', '11420', '11365', '10012', '11214', '11212',
       '10022', '11232', '11040', '11226', '10281', '11102', '11208',
       '10001', '10472', '11414', '11223', '10040', '11220', '11373',
       '11203', '11691', '11356', '10017', '10452', '10280', '11217',
       '10031', '11201', '11358', '10128', '11423', '10039', '10010',
       '11209', '10021', '10037', '11413', '11375', '11238', '10473',
       '11103', '11354', '11361', '11106', '11385', '10463', '10467',
       '11204', '11237', '11377', '11364', '11434', '11435', '11210',
       '11228', '11368', '11694', '10464', '11415', '10314', '10301',
       '10018', '10038', '11105', '11230', '10468', '11104', '10471',
       '11416', '10075', '11422', '11355', '10028', '10462', '10306',
       '10461', '11224', '11429', '10035', '11366', '11362', '11206',
       '10460', '10304', '11360', '11411', '10455', '10475', '10069',
       '10303', '10308', '10302', '11357', '10470', '11367', '11370',
       '10454', '10451', '11436', '11426', '10153', '11004', '11428',
       '11427', '11001', '11363', '10004', '10474', '11430', '10000',
       '10307', '11239', '10119', '10006', '10048', '11697', '11692',
       '11693', '10573', '00083', 'N/A', '11559', '10020', '77056',
       '11776', '70711', '10282', '11109', '10044', '02061', '77092-2016',
       '14225', '55164-0737', '19711', '07306', '000000', 'NO CLUE',
       '90010', '11747', '23541', '11788', '07604', 11203.0, 11217.0,
       11418.0, 11385.0, 10461.0, 11236.0, 11223.0, 11205.0, 11218.0,
       11207.0, 11234.0, 11215.0, 11420.0, 10463.0, 11213.0, 10014.0,
       10011.0, 11421.0, 10029.0, 11433.0, 11691.0, 11358.0, 11368.0,
       11435.0, 11105.0, 11101.0, 11419.0, 11355.0, 11377.0, 11210.0,
       10040.0, 11208.0, 11228.0, 10022.0, 11412.0, 11209.0, 11211.0,
       10018.0, 11106.0, 11411.0, 11369.0, 11237.0, 11230.0, 11364.0,
       10472.0, 10304.0, 10075.0, 11249.0, 10032.0, 10016.0, 10308.0,
       10306.0, 11225.0, 10006.0, 10009.0, 10033.0, 11104.0, 11204.0,
       11415.0, 11103.0, 10025.0, 10473.0, 10469.0, 10466.0, 11231.0,
       11226.0, 10455.0, 10019.0, 11220.0, 10459.0, 10002.0, 10039.0,
       10026.0, 10456.0, 10468.0, 11222.0, 11214.0, 10470.0, 11373.0,
       11367.0, 10302.0, 11235.0, 10128.0, 10467.0, 10458.0, 10475.0,
       10474.0, 10453.0, 10462.0, 10301.0, 10065.0, 11221.0, 10031.0,
       10460.0, 11233.0, 10457.0, 10027.0, 10003.0, 10038.0, 11212.0,
       11206.0, 11434.0, 11361.0, 10036.0, 10005.0, 10024.0, 10035.0,
       10030.0, 11694.0, 10454.0, 11238.0, 10464.0, 10452.0, 10037.0,
       11219.0, 11216.0, 10028.0, 10451.0, 11229.0, 11422.0, 10010.0,
       10023.0, 11692.0, 11374.0, 11416.0, 11429.0, 10314.0, 11375.0,
       11354.0, 11378.0, 10303.0, 10034.0, 11423.0, 11372.0, 11379.0,
       10007.0, 11201.0, 10001.0, 10310.0, 10012.0, 10309.0, 11232.0,
       11224.0, 10305.0, 11693.0, 10021.0, 11432.0, 11356.0, 11436.0,
       10312.0, 11413.0, 11102.0, 10013.0, 10471.0, 11417.0, 11365.0,
       11004.0, 11366.0, 11362.0, 11370.0, 11357.0, 10112.0, 10017.0,
       10307.0, 10465.0, 11426.0, 10280.0, 11430.0, 11109.0, 11414.0,
       11788.0, 11563.0, 11580.0, 11427.0, 11428.0, 10000.0, 7087.0,
       10282.0, 11360.0, 10020.0, 83.0, 10004.0, 11363.0, 11042.0, 11040.0,
       7093.0, 10119.0, 11501.0, 92123.0, 11697.0, 0.0, 11575.0, 11239.0,
       7109.0, 11797.0, 10069.0, '10803', '11716', '11722', '11549-3650',
       '10162', '92123', '23502', '11518', '07020', '08807', '11577',
       '07114', '11003', '07201', '11563', '61702', '10103', '29616-0759',
       '35209-3114', '11520', '11735', '10129', '11005', '41042', '11590',
       6901.0, 7208.0, 10048.0, 11530.0, 13221.0, 10954.0, 11001.0,
       11735.0, 10103.0, 10044.0, 7114.0, 11111.0, 10107.0], dtype=object)

7.2 Fixing the nan values and string/float confusion

We can pass a na_values option to pd.read_csv to clean this up a little bit. We can also specify that the type of Incident Zip is a string, not a float.

na_values = ['NO CLUE', 'N/A', '0']
requests = pd.read_csv('../data/311-service-requests.csv', na_values=na_values, dtype={'Incident Zip': str})
requests['Incident Zip'].unique()


array(['11432', '11378', '10032', '10023', '10027', '11372', '11419',
       '11417', '10011', '11225', '11218', '10003', '10029', '10466',
       '11219', '10025', '10310', '11236', nan, '10033', '11216', '10016',
       '10305', '10312', '10026', '10309', '10036', '11433', '11235',
       '11213', '11379', '11101', '10014', '11231', '11234', '10457',
       '10459', '10465', '11207', '10002', '10034', '11233', '10453',
       '10456', '10469', '11374', '11221', '11421', '11215', '10007',
       '10019', '11205', '11418', '11369', '11249', '10005', '10009',
       '11211', '11412', '10458', '11229', '10065', '10030', '11222',
       '10024', '10013', '11420', '11365', '10012', '11214', '11212',
       '10022', '11232', '11040', '11226', '10281', '11102', '11208',
       '10001', '10472', '11414', '11223', '10040', '11220', '11373',
       '11203', '11691', '11356', '10017', '10452', '10280', '11217',
       '10031', '11201', '11358', '10128', '11423', '10039', '10010',
       '11209', '10021', '10037', '11413', '11375', '11238', '10473',
       '11103', '11354', '11361', '11106', '11385', '10463', '10467',
       '11204', '11237', '11377', '11364', '11434', '11435', '11210',
       '11228', '11368', '11694', '10464', '11415', '10314', '10301',
       '10018', '10038', '11105', '11230', '10468', '11104', '10471',
       '11416', '10075', '11422', '11355', '10028', '10462', '10306',
       '10461', '11224', '11429', '10035', '11366', '11362', '11206',
       '10460', '10304', '11360', '11411', '10455', '10475', '10069',
       '10303', '10308', '10302', '11357', '10470', '11367', '11370',
       '10454', '10451', '11436', '11426', '10153', '11004', '11428',
       '11427', '11001', '11363', '10004', '10474', '11430', '10000',
       '10307', '11239', '10119', '10006', '10048', '11697', '11692',
       '11693', '10573', '00083', '11559', '10020', '77056', '11776',
       '70711', '10282', '11109', '10044', '02061', '77092-2016', '14225',
       '55164-0737', '19711', '07306', '000000', '90010', '11747', '23541',
       '11788', '07604', '10112', '11563', '11580', '07087', '11042',
       '07093', '11501', '92123', '00000', '11575', '07109', '11797',
       '10803', '11716', '11722', '11549-3650', '10162', '23502', '11518',
       '07020', '08807', '11577', '07114', '11003', '07201', '61702',
       '10103', '29616-0759', '35209-3114', '11520', '11735', '10129',
       '11005', '41042', '11590', '06901', '07208', '11530', '13221',
       '10954', '11111', '10107'], dtype=object)

7.3 What’s up with the dashes?

rows_with_dashes = requests['Incident Zip'].str.contains('-').fillna(False)




Unique KeyCreated DateClosed DateAgencyAgency NameComplaint TypeDescriptorLocation TypeIncident ZipIncident AddressStreet NameCross Street 1Cross Street 2Intersection Street 1Intersection Street 2Address TypeCityLandmarkFacility TypeStatusDue DateResolution Action Updated DateCommunity BoardBoroughX Coordinate (State Plane)Y Coordinate (State Plane)Park Facility NamePark BoroughSchool NameSchool NumberSchool RegionSchool CodeSchool Phone NumberSchool AddressSchool CitySchool StateSchool ZipSchool Not FoundSchool or Citywide ComplaintVehicle TypeTaxi Company BoroughTaxi Pick Up LocationBridge Highway NameBridge Highway DirectionRoad RampBridge Highway SegmentGarage Lot NameFerry DirectionFerry Terminal NameLatitudeLongitudeLocation
291362655055110/24/2013 06:16:34 PMNaNDCADepartment of Consumer AffairsConsumer ComplaintFalse AdvertisingNaN77092-20162700 EAST SELTICE WAYEAST SELTICE WAYNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNHOUSTONNaNNaNAssigned11/13/2013 11:15:20 AM10/29/2013 11:16:16 AM0 UnspecifiedUnspecifiedNaNNaNUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
309392654883110/24/2013 09:35:10 AMNaNDCADepartment of Consumer AffairsConsumer ComplaintHarassmentNaN55164-0737P.O. BOX 6443764437NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNST. PAULNaNNaNAssigned11/13/2013 02:30:21 PM10/29/2013 02:31:06 PM0 UnspecifiedUnspecifiedNaNNaNUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
705392648841710/15/2013 03:40:33 PMNaNTLCTaxi and Limousine CommissionTaxi ComplaintDriver ComplaintStreet11549-3650365 HOFSTRA UNIVERSITYHOFSTRA UNIVERSITYNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNHEMSTEADNaNNaNAssigned11/30/2013 01:20:33 PM10/16/2013 01:21:39 PM0 UnspecifiedUnspecifiedNaNNaNUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedNNaNNaNNaNLa Guardia AirportNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
858212646829610/10/2013 12:36:43 PM10/26/2013 01:07:07 AMDCADepartment of Consumer AffairsConsumer ComplaintDebt Not OwedNaN29616-0759PO BOX 25759BOX 25759NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNGREENVILLENaNNaNClosed10/26/2013 09:20:28 AM10/26/2013 01:07:07 AM0 UnspecifiedUnspecifiedNaNNaNUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
893042646113710/09/2013 05:23:46 PM10/25/2013 01:06:41 AMDCADepartment of Consumer AffairsConsumer ComplaintHarassmentNaN35209-3114600 BEACON PKWYBEACON PKWYNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNBIRMINGHAMNaNNaNClosed10/25/2013 02:43:42 PM10/25/2013 01:06:41 AM0 UnspecifiedUnspecifiedNaNNaNUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN

I thought these were missing data and originally deleted them like this:

requests['Incident Zip'][rows_with_dashes] = np.nan

But then my friend pointed out that 9-digit zip codes are normal. Let’s look at all the zip codes with more than 5 digits, make sure they’re okay, and then truncate them.

long_zip_codes = requests['Incident Zip'].str.len() > 5
requests['Incident Zip'][long_zip_codes].unique()


array(['77092-2016', '55164-0737', '000000', '11549-3650', '29616-0759',
       '35209-3114'], dtype=object)

Those all look okay to truncate to me.

requests['Incident Zip'] = requests['Incident Zip'].str.slice(0, 5)


Earlier I thought 00083 was a broken zip code, but turns out Central Park’s zip code 00083! Shows what I know. I’m still concerned about the 00000 zip codes, though: let’s look at that.

requests[requests['Incident Zip'] == '00000']


Unique KeyCreated DateClosed DateAgencyAgency NameComplaint TypeDescriptorLocation TypeIncident ZipIncident AddressStreet NameCross Street 1Cross Street 2Intersection Street 1Intersection Street 2Address TypeCityLandmarkFacility TypeStatusDue DateResolution Action Updated DateCommunity BoardBoroughX Coordinate (State Plane)Y Coordinate (State Plane)Park Facility NamePark BoroughSchool NameSchool NumberSchool RegionSchool CodeSchool Phone NumberSchool AddressSchool CitySchool StateSchool ZipSchool Not FoundSchool or Citywide ComplaintVehicle TypeTaxi Company BoroughTaxi Pick Up LocationBridge Highway NameBridge Highway DirectionRoad RampBridge Highway SegmentGarage Lot NameFerry DirectionFerry Terminal NameLatitudeLongitudeLocation
426002652931310/22/2013 02:51:06 PMNaNTLCTaxi and Limousine CommissionTaxi ComplaintDriver ComplaintNaN00000EWR EWREWRNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNEWARKNaNNaNAssigned12/07/2013 09:53:51 AM10/23/2013 09:54:43 AM0 UnspecifiedUnspecifiedNaNNaNUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedNNaNNaNNaNOtherNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
608432650738910/17/2013 05:48:44 PMNaNTLCTaxi and Limousine CommissionTaxi ComplaintDriver ComplaintStreet000001 NEWARK AIRPORTNEWARK AIRPORTNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNEWARKNaNNaNAssigned12/02/2013 11:59:46 AM10/18/2013 12:01:08 PM0 UnspecifiedUnspecifiedNaNNaNUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedNNaNNaNNaNOtherNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN

This looks bad to me. Let’s set these to nan.

zero_zips = requests['Incident Zip'] == '00000'
requests['Incident Zip'][zero_zips] = np.nan

Great. Let’s see where we are now:

unique_zips = requests['Incident Zip'].unique()


array([nan, '00083', '02061', '06901', '07020', '07087', '07093', '07109',
       '07114', '07201', '07208', '07306', '07604', '08807', '10000',
       '10001', '10002', '10003', '10004', '10005', '10006', '10007',
       '10009', '10010', '10011', '10012', '10013', '10014', '10016',
       '10017', '10018', '10019', '10020', '10021', '10022', '10023',
       '10024', '10025', '10026', '10027', '10028', '10029', '10030',
       '10031', '10032', '10033', '10034', '10035', '10036', '10037',
       '10038', '10039', '10040', '10044', '10048', '10065', '10069',
       '10075', '10103', '10107', '10112', '10119', '10128', '10129',
       '10153', '10162', '10280', '10281', '10282', '10301', '10302',
       '10303', '10304', '10305', '10306', '10307', '10308', '10309',
       '10310', '10312', '10314', '10451', '10452', '10453', '10454',
       '10455', '10456', '10457', '10458', '10459', '10460', '10461',
       '10462', '10463', '10464', '10465', '10466', '10467', '10468',
       '10469', '10470', '10471', '10472', '10473', '10474', '10475',
       '10573', '10803', '10954', '11001', '11003', '11004', '11005',
       '11040', '11042', '11101', '11102', '11103', '11104', '11105',
       '11106', '11109', '11111', '11201', '11203', '11204', '11205',
       '11206', '11207', '11208', '11209', '11210', '11211', '11212',
       '11213', '11214', '11215', '11216', '11217', '11218', '11219',
       '11220', '11221', '11222', '11223', '11224', '11225', '11226',
       '11228', '11229', '11230', '11231', '11232', '11233', '11234',
       '11235', '11236', '11237', '11238', '11239', '11249', '11354',
       '11355', '11356', '11357', '11358', '11360', '11361', '11362',
       '11363', '11364', '11365', '11366', '11367', '11368', '11369',
       '11370', '11372', '11373', '11374', '11375', '11377', '11378',
       '11379', '11385', '11411', '11412', '11413', '11414', '11415',
       '11416', '11417', '11418', '11419', '11420', '11421', '11422',
       '11423', '11426', '11427', '11428', '11429', '11430', '11432',
       '11433', '11434', '11435', '11436', '11501', '11518', '11520',
       '11530', '11549', '11559', '11563', '11575', '11577', '11580',
       '11590', '11691', '11692', '11693', '11694', '11697', '11716',
       '11722', '11735', '11747', '11776', '11788', '11797', '13221',
       '14225', '19711', '23502', '23541', '29616', '35209', '41042',
       '55164', '61702', '70711', '77056', '77092', '90010', '92123'], dtype=object)

Amazing! This is much cleaner. There’s something a bit weird here, though – I looked up 77056 on Google maps, and that’s in Texas.

Let’s take a closer look:

zips = requests['Incident Zip']
# Let's say the zips starting with '0' and '1' are okay, for now. (this isn't actually true -- 13221 is in Syracuse, and why?)
is_close = zips.str.startswith('0') | zips.str.startswith('1')
# There are a bunch of NaNs, but we're not interested in them right now, so we'll say they're True
is_far = ~(is_close.fillna(True).astype(bool))


12102    77056
13450    70711
29136    77092
30939    55164
44008    90010
47048    23541
57636    92123
71001    92123
71834    23502
80573    61702
85821    29616
89304    35209
94201    41042
Name: Incident Zip, dtype: object
requests[is_far][['Incident Zip', 'Descriptor', 'City']].sort('Incident Zip')


Incident ZipDescriptorCity
8582129616Debt Not OwedGREENVILLE
3093955164HarassmentST. PAUL
8057361702Billing DisputeBLOOMIGTON
1345070711Contract DisputeCLIFTON
1210277056Debt Not OwedHOUSTON
2913677092False AdvertisingHOUSTON
4400890010Billing DisputeLOS ANGELES
5763692123HarassmentSAN DIEGO
7100192123Billing DisputeSAN DIEGO

Okay, there really are requests coming from LA and Houston! Good to know. Filtering by zip code is probably a bad way to handle this – we should really be looking at the city instead.



BROOKLYN            31662
NEW YORK            22664
BRONX               18438
STATEN ISLAND        4766
JAMAICA              2246
FLUSHING             1803
ASTORIA              1568
RIDGEWOOD            1073
CORONA                707
OZONE PARK            693
FAR ROCKAWAY          652
ELMHURST              647
WOODSIDE              609
EAST ELMHURST         562
MELVILLE                  1
NORWELL                   1
EAST ROCKAWAY             1
BIRMINGHAM                1
ROSLYN                    1
LOS ANGELES               1
MINEOLA                   1
JERSEY CITY               1
ST. PAUL                  1
CLIFTON                   1
COL.ANVURES               1
EDGEWATER                 1
ROSELYN                   1
CENTRAL ISLIP             1
Length: 100, dtype: int64

It looks like these are legitimate complaints, so we’ll just leave them alone.

7.4 Putting it together

Here’s what we ended up doing to clean up our zip codes, all together:

na_values = ['NO CLUE', 'N/A', '0']
requests = pd.read_csv('311-service-requests.csv', 
                       dtype={'Incident Zip': str})

def fix_zip_codes(zips):
    # Truncate everything to length 5 
    zips = zips.str.slice(0, 5)
    # Set 00000 zip codes to nan
    zero_zips = zips == '00000'
    zips[zero_zips] = np.nan
    return zips
requests['Incident Zip'] = fix_zip_codes(requests['Incident Zip'])
requests['Incident Zip'].unique()


array(['11432', '11378', '10032', '10023', '10027', '11372', '11419',
       '11417', '10011', '11225', '11218', '10003', '10029', '10466',
       '11219', '10025', '10310', '11236', nan, '10033', '11216', '10016',
       '10305', '10312', '10026', '10309', '10036', '11433', '11235',
       '11213', '11379', '11101', '10014', '11231', '11234', '10457',
       '10459', '10465', '11207', '10002', '10034', '11233', '10453',
       '10456', '10469', '11374', '11221', '11421', '11215', '10007',
       '10019', '11205', '11418', '11369', '11249', '10005', '10009',
       '11211', '11412', '10458', '11229', '10065', '10030', '11222',
       '10024', '10013', '11420', '11365', '10012', '11214', '11212',
       '10022', '11232', '11040', '11226', '10281', '11102', '11208',
       '10001', '10472', '11414', '11223', '10040', '11220', '11373',
       '11203', '11691', '11356', '10017', '10452', '10280', '11217',
       '10031', '11201', '11358', '10128', '11423', '10039', '10010',
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